Thank you Stephanie!

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I´m so disappointed Stephanie. I don´t like the options we have but I cannot bring myself to help the progressive agendas. I don´t know how Kamala could have articulated anything in person or in writing in her career without lots and lots of writing experts. Have you heard her word salads? It´s embarrassing for any professional. A professional is supposed to be able to articulate eloquently. That means saying something to professionals who articulate in a way that is eloquent because an eloquent professional articulates. Let´s say she is a good person. You know her. That does not make her competent to lead the country. Hilary would have been competent or Sarah Palin or Nikki Hailey who were both elected governors. It is sad that 7 countries (including Latin American ones) have had women presidents or PMs but the USA just cannot seem to produce a viable, competent and sufficiently popular option.

Don´t like the lies. Sure, I understand. However, both sides have lied, except MSM only calls out GOP.

Let´s start with Biden´s health is okay. Sure. He can go 4 more years. He is not involved in his son´s illegal actions. He is strong and cognitively knows what he has been doing as president. He doesn´t need help. He is capable of running the country.

Let´s point out that democrat voters have had no voice in the selection of Kamala as his replacement.

She has done a stellar job with the border. How many times did she visit in person? Think she ever got a handle on that ONE thing she was tasked to oversee? Add Walz to the ticket. Are you reading up about his military service or lack thereof and HIS lies? Sorry but no vote from me.

Thanks to Dudley for pointing out Kamala´s positions in 2020. Couldn´t support that then, won´t now. We have seen her support the Pro-Hamas craze. That is the only "NEW" thing about her and these progressive Dems. Sorry, I don´t support that kind of antisemitism or any hate.

Tell me what Democratic policies you support? Feel free to change your voter registration.

You don´t have to like Trump to know that supporting the Democrats after these past four years is not wise. I´m tired of the cheap shots calling Trump a Hitler and dictator and the fear-mongering that Trump will use retaliation. There should be a word to describe fascism deployed by liberals.

In 2003, Laurence W. Britt wrote "14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism":

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. (Liberalism is an ideology that teaches this nation sucks and the only pride is the kind you celebrate in June not July 4th.)

2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. (Gaza at the expense of Israel. J6 prisoners?)

3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. -- (DL)

4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. -- To be fair, liberals fail here.

5. Rampant sexism. -- Both parties.

6. A controlled mass media. -- (DL)

7. Obsession with national security. -- (GOP maybe. But are safety concerns really "bad"?)

8. Religion and ruling elite tied together. -- (How about Academia and ruling elite tied together?)

9. Power of corporations protected. -- (DL not just GOP)

10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated. -- Both parties.

11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts. -- (DL controlling narrative)

12. Obsession with crime and punishment. -- (DL weaponization of DOJ, CIA, FBI)

13. Rampant cronyism and corruption. -- Both parties (Kamala taking over Biden ticket?)

14. Fraudulent elections. -- Verdict? I can tell you that my niece is a resident of Connecticut and she sent an absentee ballot in 2020. She also received a mail ballot sent to her non-permanent Penn State dorm address. Instructions called to use the "honor system" to vote. Yeah, right. What do you know about checks and balances between states, especially with regards university students? What about ex pats? A friend has lived in Israel over 20 years and still votes absentee for Kansas elections because she pays taxes to Kansas for her online business?

Moving on, the weaponization of government agencies is absolutely wrong. The lawfare we have seen is nothing short of the progressive left silencing opposition. NY Judge Merchan? The worst! I´m sorry but that is what totalitarian governments have done. Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, etc. have shown us that socialism and communism do not work and that is where we are headed. Liberals do not like open debate much less any perspective that goes against their narrative. And Biden was reported (not by MSM) to have said "it was time to put a target on Trump." Secret Service fails a week later. Heresy? Maybe. Trump survives an assassination attempt by chance or divine intervention (take your pick). MSM gave it a short news cycle. That was barely a month ago! Are you sad that he survived? After all, you are "GOP Women Against Trump". How far would you go to prevent Trump from being re-elected?

As a woman myself, I believe that this election is bigger than Trump and and anti-Trump sentiment will not get you more "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Voting democrat will not ensure democracy. Quite the contrary: expect more freedoms to be taken away. Have you heard what has happened to Tulsi Gabbard? She´s on the TSA watch list. Why? That is what totalitarian governments do. So no -- not Harris, not Walz, not voting in any way to help democrats.

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So, was 2016-2020 so horrible? (before Covid?) Now compare to 2020-2024 -- massive inflation, massive illegal immigration. So you'd sabotage an imperfect Republican in order to elect the most liberal Democratic in Washington? One who has flipped almost every position she held n=only months ago? Was she lying then or lying now? Stop seeking perfection!

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Inflation: There's a two-year lag on economic policy.

Trump's 2018 tax cuts added TRILLIONS to the national debt for ongoing daily expenditures. I'm a debt hawk (don't make my kid pay for your spending spree)! Those cuts lowered the government's threshold for financial flexibility. Conservative policy opposes leveraging against the future like this precisely because of the unknown, so when COVID came, it was a perfect storm. The current inflationary track began in 2020.

The tax cuts made people feel wealthier in the short term, so they bought more stuff, which increases demand on existing goods and services. Manufacturers knew the demand was short term, so they didn't increase supply. Increased demand without supply causes price inflation. Those with money can afford what they demand and what's left costs more because it's scarce, so the rest of us can't afford it.

In response, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to slow spending (because it costs more to spend and makes it less accessible for most of us).




"Flip Flop": There's acquiring more information and making an informed decision, there's true political flip-flopping, and then there's lying.

The only potential example I've heard of (def not an expert on her) might be fracking? When she ran statewide in California, a very "green-focused" state, I assume she opposed fracking. Running for president of all of America, balancing the energy needs of the country,

the security desire to divest ourselves from dependence on foreign energy (especially as it relates geopolitically to Iran), as well as understanding the broader economic and jobs needs of states where fracking is predominant, I assume she has a more balanced understanding of the issue now than she did when talking only to Californians.

I don't have an opinion on VP Harris with relation to lying, but we'll have to agree to disagree on Trump and his relationship with the truth.

Thanks for continuing a respectful conversation!

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Hi Stephanie,

I would like to commend you for your courage to make and send this post. I truly wish more Republicans would do that, and help the party awake from the shared collective nightmare that is the Trump cult.

As a longtime Republican voter, I’m appalled by what Republicans have allowed to fester in our midst. As the party of personal accountability, family values, a strong military, and respect for democracy and the rule of law, we have allowed a serial rapist, compulsive liar, and avowed sycophant of Russian and North Korean tyrants to be the flag bearer for the party. Not to mention the orchestrated attempted coup on our capital now reframed as a pleasant field trip. That capital belongs to the people, We the People, and for this man, so many would so easily abandon democracy and cannot erect themselves a king fast enough! I no longer recognize the Republican Party.

In any case, there is no need to reply, as I don’t want this to become a tit-for-tat, as any attempt to state these obvious facts seems to always degenerate into. But I wanted to reiterate my respect for your courage here and extend a hand of support however you might need it.

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I truly want to maintain a respectful dialogue, and my initial reaction was to just leave it be. But I’m seeing a disturbing amount of misinformation and a propaganda filled agenda—as I’m sure others might think of my own.

Democrats are no angels by any means, but I’ve heard these instruments used before, and they amount to Orwellian double think, double speak—to take the very things that Orange Demon is caught red-handed doing, actively, in front of all of us, constantly and repeatedly, and turning it over as if it’s the Dems doing it, through the artifice of false equivalency. I could go through that list, item by item, and a strong part of me wants to. But that would be the very tit-for-tat I wanted to avoid, so I will not add to it here.

I will simply say that I do get it; the propaganda is constant and relentless, from all “sides”. But if one cares at all, and is truly the independent mind professed to be, I would simply advise everyone seek out a more rounded perspective on what’s happening. This, rather than blindly accepting a singular source and self-proclaimed purveyor of “fair and balanced”, and catheter ads.

As my grandpa used to say:

If one person tells me I’ve lost my head, wave politely and move on.

If two people tell me I’ve lost my head, start to wonder and look around.

If three people tell me I’ve lost my head, I better start searching for that head.

That is the way I view the gathering of any information. Not from one “trusted” source, not two, not even three, but from as many legitimate sources as possible, and look for consistency and motive. Others might do differently.

With kind regards,


P.S. As a Republican, and a long-time one at that, I have zero problem with voting for Harris, as the alternative would be, and I repeat, to elect a lying, traitorous, self-serving, convicted felon, and rapist thief, with no moral compass, no sense of loyalty or duty to honor or country, and who couldn’t find a Christ standing at the foot of Golgotha, to the highest office in the land.

And that would be a shame that we cannot possibly, as a free people, endure unto ourselves Twice!? Can it? I hope and pray to God in heaven we do not.

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I think Democrats will welcome any voter registration change. They proudly claim to be the party described, "As the party of personal accountability, family values, a strong military, and respect for democracy and the rule of law..."

Personally, I think they embrace a different reality and redefine words all the time to suit their needs to remain in power. I'm not saying Republicans don't play similar games but I think the Dems are better at fostering a different reality, are better at redefining words, and are better at insults, lies, and double-standards.

I am an unaffiliated (independent) voter myself, for better or worse. I don't vote in any primaries and I am upset at the options before us on both sides. But I will not vote for Harris.

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Original post by Scott Walker on X (parenthesis mine):

A political coup. (Dem voters didn't select Kamala Harris, she just took over the campaign.)

Government controls on the market. (Kamala's plan to ban price gouging.)

Censorship over opposing views. (Not only can we not voice opposing views, we must accept theirs.)

Refusal to talk to independent media. (Dems quoted as she has no moral obligation to talk to media.)

Targeting political opponents by government agencies. (FBI raid on Trump's Florida property, DOJ, Attorney Generals, Judge Merchan)

History shows us that these are the warning signs before an oppressive Communist regime.

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How will these donations be spent? Will they be used to support Kamala Harris? I am a moderate Republican but Harris’s policies are the most leftist ones I have seen in any election I have been eligible to vote. No matter how I feel about Trump, I cannot imagine living with a far left president such as Harris.

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It's important to keep in mind she was the elected District Attorney for San Francisco 20 years ago. She represented constituents in one of the most liberal communities in the US. I was elected 22 years ago and have definitely learned and lived a lot since then.

This money will be spent to activate Republican women who were likely Trump voters in 2016 or 2020 to NOT vote for him again - they can also skip that race, write someone in, or if they so choose, to vote for Harris.

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Perhaps this effort should be called GOP women against Trump AND Harris. According to a ny times article from 7/29, in her last run for president just 4 years ago, “She said then that she opposed fracking; would “think about” abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency; called the idea of adding more police officers “wrongheaded thinking”; entertained the idea of allowing felons to vote; said she supported a “mandatory buyback program” for some guns; and called for the elimination of private health insurance.” Those have all been fact checked and of course reported in the liberal ny times.

No GOP person could support that candidate.

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