You are likely familiar with the trend of “paying it backward” to buy a coffee for the person behind you in the Starbuck’s line. While I’ve been the instigator but not the beneficiary of the Starbuck’s trend, I recently had a similar experience that taught me this works in more than just the coffee shop!
A few posts ago, I wrote about my “compliment” experience at KU Med. Apparently, it was one of those days where you see content everywhere you go.
Leaving the parking garage, I handed over my validated ticket and the $3 fee. The clerk handed it back to me, saying the person in front of me had used her change to pay for the cars behind her. So I added to the line. I was going to spend the $3 anyway, right?
Here’s to hoping the trend continued and was a blessing to people leaving what is rarely a good place to be. (The hospital, I mean. Not KUMed specifically. There literally isn’t anywhere else I want to be if I have to be at a hospital!)
Whose day will you make today? Tomorrow?
Happy serving,