Best Practices in Public Service: Pandemic Positives – Expert Panels
Zooming in from a location far, far away.
This is a series I wrote shortly after the pandemic, reflecting on some of the good things that came out of it (besides the resurrection of the QR code, my personal favorite), tips and tools people can use even in its absence. Good riddance!
Expert Panels
Another twist on the Virtual Town Hall which gained a lot of popularity during the pandemic, is the Expert Panel. Hosting local, state, and national experts on a complex topic is a great way to be a resource to your constituents, maximize exposure on an issue, and enhance your own credibility by convening people who might not be willing or able to travel long distances for an in-person event.
For legislators, these are great events to host in the legislative “off-season” because you have more time flexibility, and it helps remind constituents that you’re always working! Topics could include current events in your community, hot topics you expect for the coming session, or issues of personal interest – a committee you’re on, an issue a constituent asked you to address, or something an interim committee might be preparing for the next session.
For local officials, these events are a great reminder that you’re ALWAYS “in-session” and the work – both policy and constituent services – is a year-round commitment.
Pro-Tip: Partner with elected officials above and below you to build those relationships and add a different perspective. A few examples:
Zoning: You’re a state legislator, so have no say in the issue, but zoning for an apartment or large manufacturing facility has become a hot topic within your district. Host a lunch & learn virtual panel with the Mayor, a City Councilor, someone from the county economic development organization, and a representative of the company for a conversation.
Operational Details: Mute attendees and take questions via Chat to reduce interruptions.
Share promotion across multiple social platforms with the participants – official city, official county, your campaign and official networks, and especially text messaging.
Public Education Spending: You’re a school board member, so while you help determine where the money goes, you don’t have a vote on how much you get. Partner with
Your State Representative(s) and State Senator(s),
City Councilor,
Principal or classroom teacher,
Someone from the business community, and
A parent or engaged parent group to each provide how funding impacts their industry.
Your legislature’s education budget expert might also be a great addition.
Medicare/Social Security Proposals: If you’re a state or local official, there’s not much you can do about this except listen to complaints and connect constituents with their federal delegation. However, offering to convene a Virtual Expert Panel with your Congressperson and/or US Senator(s) is a great way to show voters your interest in the issues affecting them, as well as your connections. Even if you can’t help a constituent, showing them you know WHO can help them, and getting them to the right place is providing a service very few others in your community can provide. Again – BE A RESOURCE!